Geoterra continues to expand its expertise in the energy sector.
Over the past 25 years we have supplied a variety of professional consulting services on Pipelines & Facilities in regards to our Forest & Land Management, Environmental and Underground Utility Location services.
Experience Where it Matters
We have successfully completed numerous, nationally recognized, high profile pipeline projects in Northern British Columbia.
These projects include Encana’s Ekwan Pipeline, TransCanada’s Horn River Pipelines and Spectra Energy’s Maxhamish Pipelines. We have performed initial assessments on the Alaska Pipeline Project, Prince Rupert Gas Pipeline Project as well as start to finish on the Coastal Gas Link Project.
Geoterra continues to advance our synergies in traditional British Columbia forestry knowledge with Pipeline and Facility development to offer leading edge consulting services in the energy sector.

Services Include:
- BC Professional Forestry Consultation on major Pipelines & Facilities
- Pipeline Clearing Planning & Management (Pre-Operational through Post-Operations)
- Preliminary Timber Assessments & Planning
- Operational Clearing Plans
- Pipeline Clearing, Grubbing & Grading Inspections
- Environmental Inspections
- BC Forestry Applications & Approvals
- Pipeline Land Tenure Exemptions & Amendments
- Fibre Utilisation Management
- Maximum Salvage Value Options
- Professional Log Scaling on ROW
- Digital Mapping & GIS
- First Nations, Government & Stakeholder Consultation & Liaison